I Made You Out of Clay

Garry, the Thinking Man’s Bear, made latkes last night to celebrate the 5th night of Hannukah. The latkes were great, as usual, except for the sweet potato experiment, which didn’t quite come together, although I applaud Garry’s bold attempt to push the tradition into new culinary territory. As the evening wore on, I kept wondering why my speech seemed so slurred and everyone was getting blurry–didn’t I have just 3 little glasses of wine? It wasn’t until chowing down on the evening’s dreidel winnings that I remembered the slivovitz!–the fiery eastern European plum brandy that reddens the nose and blackens the reputation! Garry had poured me maybe one? two? little glasses and I am grateful that Big Chris pulled me from the party at just the right moment, before my interpretive dance number. Among the in-focus bloggers that I remember bumping into: Rootbeer1, QBear, Gabecentric, FoodpoisoningSF, BearBear… Tomorrow BC and I are going to see Kiki Kiki Kiki Kiki Kiki and Herb at Herbst Theater! The hottest ticket in town!

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