
Victor and Davide  were over for gnocchi with pesto and apple pie tonight. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be to create a dinner for the specific palates and dispositions of my dear guests. I am so in awe of Victor’s beard. It’s like Antarctica was moved to the center of the globe, hanging from North America’s chin. Victor and Davide are great to watch together, Victor very relaxed and bubbly, Davide all fireworks from the small amount of alcohol in his skinny skateboarder dude body. Davide is moving in a few days, only a few blocks away really, but I’m going to miss him sitting all day in my kitchen with his laptop, or running stupid errands with me. It’s like having an Italian journalism major pet who talks about love and music instead of barking or peeing on my rugs.

Earlier today we went to Berkeley to look at vintage glasses with Emily, and had sandwiches and goodies at Fanny’s Cafe. Emily’s working on some new gouaches on paper that are totally dynamite and totally Emily, each work 2-sided, layers on layers of camouflaging and symbols or architectural allusions obliterating the previously and meticulously applied imagery. Sometimes her process of recording and then transforming is completely inaccessible, at other times you see it peeking through, but never banging you on the head. There’s so much intelligence and experience in her work. Davide wanted to go to IKEA to look at beds, so I tagged along through the awful maze. I really can’t go there again. The store’s the size of a New England state. I get all nervous and sweaty not knowing which way is west or how far away the exit is, or even if there is one.

I’ll be posting some big news on Saturday.

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