Waiting for the Wine to Freeze

My next door neighbors, who live in their backyard, are grilling, as they do at every meal, and the smoke has filled my house with a romantic blue haze, so I’m coughing and salivating in this Von Sternberg-esque environment while I wait for my wine-sicles to freeze, which I plan to slurp with my Salade Nicoise. (I don’t know how to do that little squiggly thing under the “c.”) I can only stand one more day of this heat. I shaved off my beard yesterday in a mad attempt to increase surface ventilation. I can’t believe how much face I have now. I’m but a fat shadow of my former self. Surprisingly, no one has noticed, except for Robert who commented on how much younger I looked. “Did you get a tan?” he asked? “No, I shaved my beard off.” The air on my face is quite refreshing, I must say, like a big mint, and I can see my cleft chin, and a new chin that I never noticed!
Okay, it looks like wine slush, I’m hungry!

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