I can’t sleep. I immediately think of that awful trailer for the new Christian Bale movie, where if he were any skinnier he’d be a ghost, the trailer that relates the entire story in 10 gruelling minutes, and then tells you again that if he were any skinnier he’d be a ghost. I’ll try to do that.
I had dinner with Rocco Pizzoferrato tonight at Delfina. It was an amazing meal. Actually it was the equivalent of an amazing two meals. An all-too brief sensual highlight was the tagliatelle in a butter and cream sauce with truffles shaved over the top. The beauty for me of Italian food is the melding of a few simple ingredients to stimulate the senses into an awareness of the joy and wonder of the coming together of those ingredients. The truffles were like the musty underwear of some beautiful and tragic Greek hero. I wanted to lick my plate, and shed a silent tear as they tore it away from me.
There’s a new show that I put up a few days ago at Marjorie Wood–a wacky video by Connie Harris, accompanied by a short story by On Our Back editor Diana Cage. Coco says check it out, culture vultures. You can look at art, and don’t have to leave your laptops!
Speaking of laptops, remember that I broke mine a while ago? Well, instead of paying Apple $1,400 to fix it (the Apple Associate told me on the phone, “Honey, just buy a new one”), or buying a new one (my idea of selling things on eBay to finance the transaction ended up in me acquiring all sorts of expensive new decorative items for the house–give me the cow and I’ll buy expensive beans, every time), I’ve decided to fix it myself! I bought the hinges for $90 (eBay), have accumulated enough advice about how to do it from people who have done it, and as soon as the hinges arrive, I’m Coco, Powerbook Repairman! Evidently these hinge breaks are common in the G4 Titanium Powerbooks, so if yours breaks, give me a jingle, and I’ll share my conquest of the hinge!