
Today I came across a statement I made about my work on a Portugese site on the internet. It was translated into Portugese, so I went to to find out what I said:

In the last years, I have photographed hairy male bodies in abstract details, that afterwards unite in an alone image. I have a lot state interested in a segment of the community gay called community bear that enaltece the physical characteristics of bears – immense by the corporal one and big bellies. The movement presents an ideal of enough beauty outside of the conventional one.

Exploiting to mine own will, I invite the spectator to partilhar of the my fascination and it subvert with me, even that by a moment, ideias preconceived of beauty.

I interest myself not by portraits honored but in the creation of experiences sensoriais from mine you fear.

The body fragmentado is to my matter cousin. The body is caleidoscópico – each standard offers a kind of approach. But what is revealed? Ace times does not itself obtain defined – is alone skin and by the, a little abandoned, arrepiantes to. For times the body becomes-itself so formal as a French garden. And other times is the obsessive intimacy of a lover that is transported in the work. After all, will have more someone that look of so nearby?

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