Not that I’ve entertained the idea, but if I were to kill myself, I can’t imagine a better ending than jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. For you out-of-towners, The Metropolitan Transportation Commission allocated $1.6 million Wednesday for environmental studies and preliminary design of a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge. The barrier itself is estimated to cost between $15 and $25 million. It seems to me that if someone wants to kill himself, he’s going to figure out a way to do it, so why not let the poor guy have the best joy ride of his life and a once-in-a-lifetime view before splattering into the Bay. What if some person, intent on killing himself, not knowing about the barrier, gets to the Bridge to find out that he can’t jump–what’s he going to do? I’ll tell you what, he’s going to toss himself right into traffic and cause all sorts of accidents and unwanted deaths. Then they’ll stop people from even walking across the Bridge, and then where will he go? Well, if he’s from San Francisco, he’s seen Vertigo, and Fort Point’ll ring a bell, and some poor surfer’s going to get clobbered in that jump… There’s no way to protect people from themselves, so protect us from them, and let ’em jump.