Br’er Coco

I finally saw The Song of the South tonight, a film that I’ve wanted to see since I was a kid, but was told that it was racist. I’m not sure if I’m a racist by thinking this, but I totally want to be black! First of all, all the black people are like magical people–they make pies with no effort, and tell stories that bring little kids back to life! And I totally want to make out with Uncle Remus. In all seriousness, I don’t understand why anyone would feel oppressed by this film, except for white people, who are depicted as stupid and uninteresting. Meanwhile, the African Americans are smart, amazingly talented, great storytellers and cooks, sensitive, wise, nurturing… I wish there were stereotypes of white people like that. Little Johnny, in his delirium, after being gored by the bull, calls out to Uncle Remus for solace, not his absent father, no, it’s Uncle Remus, the fabulous storyteller and healer. Remus even calls Johnny “honey!” I am so crushed out on Uncle Remus. Heal me!

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