Pretty Pictures

Remember, “pretty” is my guiding mantra. Beautify, beautify, beautify. Here’s some of my new work, Cecille Brunner roses from my backyard. The images are big, 40″ x 60″, so strap on your imaginary thinking caps and imagine these hanging in some white cube somewhere while a pretty woman in stiletto heels, a tight dress and oversized glasses click clicks her way across the gallery floor and pleasantly says “Hello, these are the works of Chris Komater, he’s really hot in Europe. Unfortunately everything is sold, but I can put your name on a waiting list. He works really slowly, not because it actually takes him a long time to make anything, it’s just that the men in Europe are so distracting. Take special note of his metaphorical use of blurriness. The images look simple, elegantly simple, almost seductively so, but they’re about what we’re all afraid of. Death. Impermanence. These are not flowers, they’re pictures of flowers. Enjoy. Please let me know if I can answer any of your questions.”

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