New Series Finished, New Chairs on the Way

My new series is finished. Almost. The chromes are at the lab now, being scanned. Sadly, the lush and saturated type-R print is no more, and until Hasselblad comes out with a digital back that costs about $44,000 less than what they want now, I’m stuck with scanned chromes and digital C-prints. I can’t afford to print everything full-sized, and am printing smaller test prints, and a few full-sized images that I’ll have framed to show visitors to my studio. Most of the pieces are triptychs, with each image between 20 and 30 inches square (so between 5 and 8 feet wide). I envision one piece in particular at 12 feet wide, but I may scale it down. My last 13 foot tall piece (pictured at left) is still in my closet. I’ll post some of the images next week.

Domestic news: my vintage EMECO 1006 chairs arrive today!!!! (e-Bay.) People can sit at my table now, and not be worried about torpedo blasts! I am also getting a flokati rug for my office. I imagine myself sprawled Jane Rusell-in-The Outlaw-style on its fluffy white expanse as I balance my check book.

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