Doctor Report

First high blood pressure and now high blood sugar levels. Sigh. I’ve always flaunted my high metabolism and defiance of moderation. This morning, reading about the saturated fat content in the Mission burrito, I just started crying. The calories wasted on my youth and undeveloped palette flashed before me in vivid Smell-O-Rama. “Abstemious” has replaced “More” as my mantra. I’ve been very happy for the past 4 years in my 180 pound-ness, but my doctor says that my body doesn’t want to be that weight, so it’s lose 5 pounds now or deal with worse later. This represents a major shift in how I relate to food. Food is pleasure, nothing less, for me. I tend to overeat, it’s true, not really to satisfy hunger, but to continually stimulate my overly sensitive taste buds–my porn film would be called Not So Deep Throat, and consist of me reaching orgasm while fellating an Osso Bucco bone. Now my part will have to be played by Tony Leung Chiu Wai. (BTW, if you haven’t seen the complex stylized Infernal Affairs yet, see it right away) Tony’s sad face reminds me of Buster Keaton’s. He doesn’t have to say a word, his eyes convey a deep sadness and resignation to his fate. Moderation, my new friend.

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