Leglifters, Organic Peaches, Skits, Tony’s

So BC’s nieces are here, and we’ve been channeling the teen beat all weekend. Friday we went to see the Giants actually win a game, after a brief stop to see Connie’s stellar show at LIMN. We sat way out in left field–where else?–and listened to the two chicks and one guy behind us get progressively louder, more intoxicated, and quite friendlier with each other. The left field seats are situated where social interaction and eavesdropping easily command more attention than what’s happening in the diamond. But still, I tend to obsessively watch for “leglifters,” the guys who lift their legs when batting. I haven’t formulated an hypothesis yet on the difference between the leglifters, the legtwisters, or the kneeknockers, but I know there’s some relation to something significant beyond batting average.

On Saturday morning, Big Chrissy wasn’t content with just us taking the nieces to the farmer’s market, he decided to make it extra special for them by enlisting the aid of the Mayor of the Farmer’s Market, Philip, to lead the tour and provide the appropriate level of pomp to the stroll through Vegetalia. Afterwards, I whispered to the girls, “Now, did Chris tell you who Philip is…?” Thank you Philip for making their day.

The next evening, after a Thai excursion to Osha on Valencia, we moseyed on over to Mission to take in the latest skits from Uphill Both Ways, led by our very own Dave. The trio performed various new comedy skits that had us giggling quite profusely, but the cellphone piece, in particular, had us hyperventilating. Dave has this amazing big outdoor voice that seems totally ready for prime time, or Broadway, and that completely fills the Dark Room Theater with booming hysterics. I’d love to ride a roller coaster with him.

This morning we drove up the coast to Marshall for oysters at Tony’s. I don’t know why I told you all that we were going to Scott’s, or why you all nodded your heads like, “Oh, Scott’s, great.” It’s Tony’s.

I’m pretty bushed from Nate’s funeral tonight on HBO. The show continually astounds me, the only show with dialogue taken from real life, my life, and real therapy sessions, my therapy sessions, and not abstracted theatrical representation of them. I’m hoping that something equally dramatic and accurate will takes its place so that I don’t have to create my own mini-series. I’m into watching these days.

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