Orsi italiani and Dad has open heart surgery

There are 23 pages–23! pages!–of Italian men, 12 per page, online right now, in Rome, on BearWWW, waiting for me. Hairy men, wearing european designer underwear or those speedo-y bathing suits that husky Americans wouldn’t be caught dead in! “Arrivederci, San Francisco! Ciao, orsi italiani!”

I was writing the above when my sister called to say that my dad had not passed his heart “stress” test. Indeed, they discovered that three of his arteries had major blockages (100%, 99%, 80%). He’s in surgery now. I started the Dewey Defeats Truman LJ post, but scrapped it in favor of the moment. All of my siblings are rushing to the south to help mom with dad’s recovery, with Paul coordinating everything. My brother Mark’s 40th birthday was Saturday night, and I made a dvd slide show of “40 Years of Mark,” which has put all of us in a weepy sentimental state. I’ll be flying out around the 24th and staying for a week, Nurse Bunny Coco. Cross you fingers that all goes well with the surgery!

My journal is starting to resemble a magazine from the 1940’s–have you seen those layouts with grisly war images on one side and sweater girls on the opposite page? I promise to have more sweater girl images soon, perhaps a pictorial summer wrap up?


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