Summertime pictures

Here we are, leaves falling all around us, the last of the heirloom tomatoes ripening on our window sills… I thought I’d share some photos of a few of my summer-time adventures as we head into the fall and tanlines start to fade.

The summer began with a solo show at Meridian Gallery, “Spring,” in conjunction with a solo show of Dean Smith’s recent films. I previewed some new work, 10 color photos of plum blossoms, hung in a single row. I paired them with a grid of testicles,Symplegades, named after the clashing rocks that Jason and the Argonauts had to navigate in their quest for the Golden Fleece. 12 tiny speakers hung on an advacent wall, each played the sound of a man breathing, like flowers sprouting from the gallery floor, boy bees doing their thing. The dating game was in full swing, love was in the air…

For the 4th of July, I drove up the coast with Bachelor #8, staying in a former boys’ school about 20 miles north of Jenner. Isolated, just the sounds of peacocks–what is that sound called, that “pk-KAW pk-KAW?”–and the ocean… a Quinn Martin production of a contemporary gothic romance…

D and I visited his mom in Reno, taking side trips to Virginia City–a Silver Era town preserved in aspic and salt-water taffy–and Carson City for the museum, which has great dioramas and presentations about the history of the area, and an actual fake mine below the museum!

I mentioned my trip to Alabama and Florida to hang and sweat with the folks and sibs. I didn’t tell you about the annual ball-races that are held in my sister, Carol’s pool, of which I am reigning champion. The goal is to ride a pilates ball as far as one can across the pool without falling off. I’ve made it 3/4 of the way with my deceptively spastic frantic leg and arm waving technique. It’s not as easy as I make it look.

My little brother Mark turned 40 last month. We’re now the same age until November. He was like my twin growing up, we were in the same grade and everything. His buddies threw a big party that went until 6 in the morning, a rollicking affair with a “roast” by his friends, dancing and much merrymaking. Here we are as kids, the sheik and the clown, and below are pictures of us at 40…

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