Doctor Report

First high blood pressure and now high blood sugar levels. Sigh. I’ve always flaunted my high metabolism and defiance of moderation. This morning, reading about the saturated fat content in the Mission burrito, I just started crying. The calories wasted on my youth and undeveloped palette flashed before me in vivid Smell-O-Rama. “Abstemious” has replaced “More” as my mantra. I’ve been very happy for the past 4 years in my 180 pound-ness, but my doctor says that my body doesn’t want to be that weight, so it’s lose 5 pounds now or deal with worse later. This represents a major shift in how I relate to food. Food is pleasure, nothing less, for me. I tend to overeat, it’s true, not really to satisfy hunger, but to continually stimulate my overly sensitive taste buds–my porn film would be called Not So Deep Throat, and consist of me reaching orgasm while fellating an Osso Bucco bone. Now my part will have to be played by Tony Leung Chiu Wai. (BTW, if you haven’t seen the complex stylized Infernal Affairs yet, see it right away) Tony’s sad face reminds me of Buster Keaton’s. He doesn’t have to say a word, his eyes convey a deep sadness and resignation to his fate. Moderation, my new friend.

Raise Taxes

So the voters of San Francisco decided against a 1/4 of a cent sales tax last year, which the city could have spent on anything (assuming that Prop O didn’t pass) and now MUNI wants to raise its fares by $.25, eliminate transfers, raise parking rates and fees. I feel like I’m in a Star Trek episode where I’ve been beamed to an alternate dimension where people have no understanding of basic economics. We want services, yet we consistently vote against small taxes that would tax everyone proportionally, and then the poor always end up paying. If I were a student, with MUNI’s proposed increases, it would cost me $6/day to get to school. After every election, I wait for this to happen, for the hundreds of news accounts of people complaining about this service being cut and that department being closed and these jobs being eliminated… We’ve been brainwashed by the Republicans. The phrases “No big governement” and “No new taxes” are so deeply embedded in our psyches that the consequences of not raising taxes are meaningless. No one makes a connection between costs and revenue. Doesn’t anyone see? Am I crazy to want cheap public transportation? I yearn for a kinder gentler socialism. I say raise taxes, double the price of gasoline which is so cheap compared to what europeans pay and look at their train system, and kill everyone now! Condone first-degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat shit! Filth is my politics, filth is my life! Take whatever you like!… oh wait, I was momentarily taken over by Divine… what was I saying?

North Korea: Official Hair Days

From today’s New York Times

The government is telling men to keep their hair short and visit a barber twice a month, saying that long hair “consumes a great deal of nutrition” and could thus rob the brain of energy, according to the BBC, citing broadcasts from Pyongyang. The drive is being led primarily by state television with a series called “Let Us Trim Our Hair in Accordance With Socialist Lifestyle.”

Fresh Madonna

Did anyone catch Terri Gross’ interview with Madonna on Fresh Air today? She really should let other people speak for her. I love her, and her lack of articulation or even understanding of what she is and fake english accent. Here’s an interesting interview with her that I posted a few years ago that you may find amusing.

A New Phone

Remember in those 1940’s films–Don Ameche or Robert Montgomery is dining at some swank Big Apple nightclub, Frances Langford is crooning about how falling in love with love is falling for make be-lieve, he gets a phone call and the waiter brings the phone to him and sets it down on a portable telephone stand? My home overhaul is nearly complete… I’m stepping into a new era of communication and portability, replacing my candlestick phone and Victorian plant stand with a vintage Western Electric Model 202 phone and vintage telephone stand! Progress happens slowly here at Casa Coco. I love objects from past eras. (Plus I just can’t afford well-made things from this era.) BC and I even talked about advertising ourselves as “Eames Era” at one point, in a brief moment of mid-century camaraderie. Most of my previous boyfriends were from past eras, too (They matched my decorating scheme).

Anyway, here’s what my new phone experience is going to look like (sans the Bat Phone): Isn’t the design the bee’s knees?

Rockin’ the Vote

I voted for Starchild, exotic dancer and escort, for School Board, because I feel like his voice is needed on the Board (even though we disagree on almost all of the local initiatives). And local SF voters, if you haven’t done your reading on Prop L (historic movie theater preservation), trust me and Sean Penn and vote NO. It’s the right idea but put together by the wrong people.

Anyone going to the Castro rally tonight?

Halloween pics later, I’m late for work…

Waiting for the Wine to Freeze

My next door neighbors, who live in their backyard, are grilling, as they do at every meal, and the smoke has filled my house with a romantic blue haze, so I’m coughing and salivating in this Von Sternberg-esque environment while I wait for my wine-sicles to freeze, which I plan to slurp with my Salade Nicoise. (I don’t know how to do that little squiggly thing under the “c.”) I can only stand one more day of this heat. I shaved off my beard yesterday in a mad attempt to increase surface ventilation. I can’t believe how much face I have now. I’m but a fat shadow of my former self. Surprisingly, no one has noticed, except for Robert who commented on how much younger I looked. “Did you get a tan?” he asked? “No, I shaved my beard off.” The air on my face is quite refreshing, I must say, like a big mint, and I can see my cleft chin, and a new chin that I never noticed!
Okay, it looks like wine slush, I’m hungry!

Get Chrissy Love

“Jive turkey!” I love those words. I’ve always wanted to be in a situation where I could say “Freeze sucka!” without irony. I woke today wanting to be a powerful black chick with huge tits and a boyfriend named Sugar Bear. Instead I’m stuck in Big Chris’ big comfy bed, unable to extract my Chrissy from its warmth, reading about The Scream being stolen—again? Jeeesh. Jive turkeys. And the museum was crowded? Where was Christie Love? Okay, more about my faboo weekend after my bike ride… (Cue Isaace Hayes soundtrack.)

Ann Hysteric

I’m going to change my name to Ann Hysteric. The parrots of Telegraph Hill are in my cotoneaster this morning, eating the berries and having a raucous time in my tree. They’re so loud and unruly, I want to be out there with them, stuffing our beaks, swinging from the limbs and dishing our good-for-nothing mates for all the neighbors to hear. And then off to the next tree. There we go… It’s so quiet in my house now. And in my mind, uncharacteristically calm, and it has been, off and on, for the past, what, week? I heard a wonderful radio piece years ago in which someone interviewed crazy people, asking them to describe their minds. They all described their minds as if they were separate from who they were, very detached, like framing a distant landscape. I looked at pictures of that guy that I went out with a few weeks ago, the one who really threw me for a loop, and I felt so detached from him, not even attracted. Okay, even a little repulsed. “How could I have been attracted to him?” Whatever I felt so intensely has completely vanished. It’s like the opposite of what happens in the movies–Doris, the successful interior designer being chased by Rock, the handsome playboy, is initially resistant to his beauty and charm, but by the end of the movie is having his baby. I want to have the baby first, and then throw Rock out with the bathwater. Perhaps going out with Chris has calmed me. There’s no pressure, or at least none that I’m giving in to. I know that I’m sitting in the eye of the storm, and I’m just going to enjoy the serenity while it lasts, the clear skies above, and not look at the lightning on the horizon. Back to my Ceylon Supreme tea and my papers, and my silent house, and then I’ll make some art. Life is just really good.