Crrash in the Castro!

BC stopped by for dinner last night and we heard helicopters over the house, and then smoke coming from down the street. We rushed down, like most of my neighbors, to see that a man driving a white buick evidently lost control of his car and ran the redlight at Market and Castro, heading south on Castro, and crossed to the northbound lane and smashed into several cars, sadly killing a man who was turning into the parking lot behind the Castro Theater. Luckily, no one else was hurt, but here’s a video of the chaos, as well as amusing interviews with Dane, the homeless guy (wrongly identified as “Dade”) who pulled the guy who died from the burning BMW, and some other excited queens. Is that Timzilla? The other heroes of the evening were two gay men who saved a little doggy from almost certain death.

We got back in time for some split pea soup, yes, the same split pea soup from two weeks ago, like the miracle of the loaves and fishes, and something I whipped up from the back of the polenta bag called “San Francisco polenta bread.” The other San Francisco treat!

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