
Panic attack panic attack… My show’s less than a month away. I approved the final C-print today, and will take the color work to the framer on Monday. I’ve whittled the plum blossom component of the show down to 12 images, but will probably hang only 4-8, and keep the rest in the back room. If the gallery had higher walls, I’d just make a big grid, but, actually, I like the idea of a linear progression with this imagery. I’m very nervous about showing these images, as I just shot them a few weeks ago, and haven’t figured out how they relate conceptually to the other components in the show. They’re pretty, though, or at least I think, and that seems to be enough for now, and they make sense in a fucked up way with the testicle grid. I just know I’ll look back on this installation years from now and roll my eyes and say, “Oh brother, what was I thinking??” I’m not used to being this close to a show opening and operating in such an intuitive way, but control is something that I want to learn to let go of, so here goes.

Here’s a sample of one of the pieces, 29″x29.” The image hasn’t been manipulated in any way, just how I see.

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